WEB Design
Nigiri Web Library
Nigiri design system provides a collection of ready-made components for building custom functionality or plugins. The approved implementation techniques in the Toqio’s banking platform are React and React Native.
Getting started
On the next steps you would see how we should integrate the Toqio Web Components library into your project.
Configure access token
To get started using Toqio Web Components first you need to add or install the module to your existing React project. Since this is a private library first you need to configure the access token to be able to install it.
To configure your access token modify your .bash_profile and add this line at the end of the file replacing npm_XXX with the authentication token:
Save the file and open a new terminal to make sure the changes are applied.
Create .npmrc file
To be able to install this library in your project you need to create a file in your root folder called .npmrc. Inside the .npmrc file copy the following content:
Install the library using npm
Now you should be able to install the library by running this command in your project:
More Info
If you’re just getting started with React and enjoy learning-by-doing, check out the official React intro tutorial. You’ll want to supplement that with their step-by-step guide.
Go to web components documentation
Updated 4 months ago