An interactive component used to differentiate humans from bots
Required boolean
The required flag specifies if entering a value for the component is mandatory.
Custom Validations table
List of additional validations to apply.
Minimum Length number
The minimum number of characters required.
Maximum Length number
The maximum number of characters allowed.
Validation Regex string
Specifies the validation pattern with a regular expression to match the entered value against in order to be valid.
Example: '[ab]+' for any character combinations including 'a' and 'b' characters like 'aaa', 'ab' or 'bbaa'.
Consult any regular expression help to find out about how to specify your regular expression
Validation Mask string
Creates a mask for the input, only allowing input in the predefined format. Use 'a' for lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z). Use 'A' for uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z). Use '9' for digits (numerical characters, 0-9) and use '*' for alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). Any other character must occur in the input at that position.
Examples: mask '99-999' accepts values like '12-345', mask '99-aaa' accepts values like '12-abc', mask '99-AAA' accepts values like '12-ABC', mask '(99)-999' accepts values like '(12)-123', a mask '99 aa **' accepts values like '12 ab 1a'.
Use backslash () as escape character, the escape character works to define as 'non mask' a maskable character or the escape character itself.
Validation Panel Display "Show", "Only message", "Hide"
Control the display settings for the validation panel and tooltip.
Updated 22 days ago